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Annual Introduction Day: The Best Way to Start a New Journey in a New Institution

A new institute or university for an advanced curricular course is a new journey. This journey earmarks taking a new step for your academic excellence. You have worked hard to secure a position in an esteemed university. It is obvious that you will be excited and nervous at the same time.

The best way to start this new phase of your academic journey is by choosing to participate in the Annual Introduction Day conducted by the university/institute. On this day, the newcomers are welcomed by the authority and several eminent personalities offer insights about the college. You will get a glimpse of the college days ahead and will surely enjoy the introduction program conducted.


What do we do on the Annual Introduction Day (AID)?


The Annual Introduction Day, or in short AID, is a brilliant feat conducted by the students in collaboration with the college authority. It is conducted for a few days where students can visit the entire campus and find out the activities they can do. There are exceptional ways to participate in such activities to know the rest of the masses and make friends.

This annual fest is conducted by colleges, universities, and educational institutes for the proper induction of newcomers. They may be domestic or international students visiting from different parts of the world in search of a better education platform. These days are filled with fun where the authority members interact with students after delivering valuable speeches and lectures.

It can be considered an orientation program that welcomes new students and is filled with exceptional activities. All these activities are planned by the senior students to interact with juniors and make them feel at home. These days will offer unlimited enjoyment to your new classmates and senior students. You will be able to break the ice and the language barrier easily to interact with others.

What can be better than an AID program for an international study experience? Exploring the entire college and gaining insights about the courses conducted will be fun. These insightful lectures will be paired with information handouts by the college authority. You can use them to find your way to the classrooms and to get accustomed to every nook and corner of the campus.

Most universities conduct such induction programs in the form of festivals for quite a few days. Students who are already tense being away from home will find ample time to unwind and become a part of the frolicking mass.


Benefits of participating in AID programs


There are immense benefits of participating in an induction program conducted by the college authority.

  1.     Breaking the ice with fellow pupils

These days of fun on the campus lets you bond with your fellow pupils. You will also get to know students from other departments and will become a part of a unique mass. Interacting with others will also make you aware of the different cultures and traditions.

It will also become easier to make a group of friends in a new college. Sharing your interests and doing things together apart from your studies will make your days full of fun. You will make memories with those students and make lifetime friends in the long run.

  1.     Understanding the college campus

The induction program is designed to let new students know more about the college campus. The heritage of a college is displayed well these days. Professors, heads of the departments, and other eminent personalities will take turns to deliver speeches. They will tell you how fascinating your life is going to be here in this phase of your academic life.

The introduction program is also accompanied by campus tours. Even though you will get handouts and instructions from the college authority, a tour of the college campus will deliver a new level of excitement.

As mentioned earlier, there will be games and fun activities organized by the current students. Participating in such games will break the barrier of language, nationality, and academics to make friends from different parts of the world. An entire day is scheduled to be full of joy and happiness. You will love these days of annual introduction programs every time held to welcome new students.

  1.     Dissolve your stress and feel at home

There is no doubt that every student feels nervous when it comes to studying on a new campus. This new phase of the academic curriculum becomes more exciting when you get to know the teachers and students via fun-filled activities, dinners, and workshops. All these arrangements are done to help you forget your stress and feel confident about yourself.

All these activities, games, and workshops are conducted by students and new students participate in them. You will find people not being nervous and enjoying every second of this program. This will usher confidence in you. You will automatically feel de-stressed and enjoy every moment of this fest.


The best way to start your new academic journey


The annual introduction day (AID) is probably the best way to start a new journey towards a brighter future. You get to know the mentors, senior students, and the campus. This campus will be your new home for a few years.

Participate with the rest and become a part of an energetic mass of new pupils. Create connections with the senior students and enjoy your induction period in a new college. Become a part of this new fauna and start your awesome journey.

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September 10, 2022

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