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Run Your Thesis through a Plagiarism Checker Before You Submit It!

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s ideas or words as your own (without quotation marks and citation). 

You do not need to copy out whole sentences or paragraphs to be considered plagiarizing. It might seem like paraphrasing rather than copying or a little bit of “borrowing” from a source is okay–it’s not. 

In the academic world, NO PLAGIARISM IS ALLOWED!


Why do students need to run their thesis through a plagiarism checker before they print it out?


There are many reasons why students plagiarize, but there is no excuse for not checking the final copy of a paper before submission. Unfortunately, it usually happens that proofreading and plagiarism checks become an afterthought; we assume we do not need to check our work because we know “it’s good”. We might even admit that we do not have the time and energy to proofread it, we submit it anyway.

A writer can produce a near-plagiarized copy because he doesn’t know the idea of plagiarism or has no idea how to detect one.

When you submit your thesis, every single word should be yours. What does this mean? If you can’t say it without using another’s work, then don’t submit it.


What if there’s plag in your thesis document?


When you use other people’s words without citation, they do not get credit for those ideas. If this happens in a thesis/dissertation document, those sources also do not get credit for their work on the subject. Not including citations for your work is considered plagiarism of a higher degree and academicians strictly frown upon this practice.

If you are found guilty of plagiarism, it can be really bad for your academic record. It might lead to no degree or even expulsion from the University! 


Pros and Cons of Using a Free Plagiarism Checker


Free plagiarism checkers may help find accidental plag. If you rely on a free plagiarism checker and find out that your thesis contains plag, it’s always better to know and fix the issue than not knowing about it at all. Also, if you write yourself and submit a paper by accident with someone else’s words or ideas in it, a free plagiarism checker will find the issue easily.

But if you have intentionally copied large chunks of text from one or more sources without proper citation, free plagiarism software will give you a 0% accuracy rate in finding plag. In this case, however, it is usually easy to detect these issues by reading the paper thoroughly and checking citations.

Academic documents and papers usually contain a significant part of quotes, facts, and data because we live in an information society. We receive information every day from different resources. However, when you search for free plagiarism checker on Google or any other search engine you will probably not find a genuine site at all. Fake plagiarism checkers are free but they simply do not work. It is quite obvious that the service is useless.

If you go with a paid plagiarism checker, it will cost you a great deal of money. Some examples of paid plagiarism checkers are:

  • IBP is an online plagiarism checking tool that offers features such as thesis checking and collaboration with your professors who can check your paper in real-time.
  • Plagiarisma is another great website that checks if the paper has plag in it. It also has a free trial system in place.
  • Turnitin is a widely used plagiarism checker but it’s quite expensive. However, if you are looking for affordable prices, the company offers discounts on every new purchase of their services.
  • Ivy Plagiarism Checker can be described as an anti-plagiarism tool with high accuracy. It has a plagiarism percentage of more than 90%.

Transtutors offers advanced plagiarism checking software as well as manual plag-checking services to make sure you have provided every citation, reference, or source as required in a well-edited thesis.

Running your thesis through a plagiarism checker allows the author to feel “on top” of his/her work, and increases his/her chances for success. 


Advantages of Choosing a Professional Plagiarism Checking Service


  1. Professional plagiarism checkers offer high accuracy rates.
  2. Contrary to popular belief, paid services do not have a monopoly on the market. If you choose a good service that has a well-organized website and provides accurate results, then there is no reason why your paper should contain plag at all.
  3. Paid plagiarism checkers guarantee full confidentiality when it comes to disclosing information about your paper. Professional service providers understand the importance of privacy and respect their clients’ right to keep their work a secret.
  4. Privacy is not the only guarantee you get from an online plagiarism checker. You can always contact them if there are any questions, concerns, or technical problems that have to do with the website or the service.
  5. Users can upload their papers in a variety of formats including Microsoft Word, Open Office, and PDFs. This way you will always have access to your work when you need it from any device that has an Internet connection or if you choose to copy-paste it into another document.
  6. Paid plagiarism checkers are not difficult to use. The whole process only takes around five minutes or less depending on how fast you are writing your paper. You can simply upload your document into the website with a few clicks of the mouse and then download it as many times as you want anytime. It’s that simple!
  7. Paid and professional plagiarism checking service providers not only run your paper through the software but also hire subject experts to go through your paper carefully. They make sure that you have cited sources for all diagrams, images, tables, data, facts, statistics, etc. you have mentioned in your dissertation or thesis.

Use only the best plagiarism checker on the market and you will never have to worry about plag in your work ever again!


Checklist of Things to Look for in a Good Plagiarism Checking Service Provider


  1. Good customer service: contact info, email address, website chat.
  2. Accurate results.
  3. Easy to use interface.
  4. A well-organized website with a clear layout and design.
  5. Competitive prices compared to other checkers in the market that offer similar services.
  6. Optional features are available for purchase (e.g., premium version, originality report).
  7. Access files in any format: doc, odt, pdf, etc.
  8. Option to download the paper as many times as you want anytime.
  9. Option to upload your paper for free (e.g., email sign-up).
  10. Confidentiality is guaranteed when it comes to disclosing information about your work, proprietary rights, and private details.


Never Make These 5 Mistakes While Checking Plagiarism in Your Thesis


  1. Do not take your findings for granted.
  2. Never submit a paper that has 10% or more plagiarized content.
  3. Do not use the word-count feature to check plagiarism if you’re using Microsoft Word because it will show whole paragraphs, rather than individual sentences.
  4. Do not use the software your university uses to check plagiarism in your paper. Otherwise, your paper will appear plagiarized when the instructor uses it.
  5. Always ensure that your document matches your reference page.


Why do we recommend Transtutors Plagiarism Checker?


1. Our services go beyond what Plagiarism Detection Tools can do for you:

Although there are many plagiarism detection tools out there to help you detect any percentage of plagiarized content in your thesis, they all come with some flaws. For instance, the online plagiarism checker tool (e.g., Turnitin) cannot compare images and can only check the text. 

On the other hand, some desktop plagiarism checking tools (e.g., Grammarly) cannot detect unoriginal images and might not be able to compare websites with APA or MLA referencing styles.

Hence, when you hire our plagiarism checking services, your paper is also read by subject experts – who check citations, images, and other aspects of plagiarism that most software miss.

2. Transtutors is the biggest online academic help provider:

Transtutors has been offering premium educational help services to millions of students for years. We, at Transtutors, ensure that all our customers receive 100% plagiarism-free content, and we take it as an utmost responsibility to check the essay/thesis/dissertation for plagiarism before delivering it to you.

3. Transtutors Plagiarism Checker:

The plagiarism checking tool at Transtutors is simply unbeatable when it comes to detecting plagiarized content, regardless of the referencing style you’re using. We use advanced algorithms and advanced matching techniques. The tools that we use for plagiarism detection (e.g., Grammarly, Turnitin) are the most advanced ones currently available in the market. 

Transtutors’ human subject experts ensure that your paper is free of plagiarism when you use our plagiarism checker tool!

4. We do not ask you to provide any personal details:

Our plagiarism checking tools are safe and reliable. We, at Transtutors, do not ask you to submit your password, email ID, or any personal information. We don’t need it because your privacy is of utmost importance to us!

5. Quick turn-Around time:

At Transtutors, we provide a plagiarism checking service that is extremely fast! Our turnaround time of 24 hours for an order is unmatched by anybody else in the industry.


We are trusted by over 4 million satisfied customers from all over the world!

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October 11, 2021

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