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Use Recursive Feedback in Online Learning to Improve Your Academic Performance

Feedback is an important step in the process of learning. Providing students with constructive, clear and helpful feedback can help improve their academic performance. Until now, teachers use the direct feedback technique where feedback is given directly to the students about their work. However, this feedback method does not allow for much room for improvement as it neglects what students have been taught in class and the tools and techniques they use for learning.

The Recursive Feedback method, which is based on the feedback loop, changes this approach by providing continuous feedback to students and guiding them step-by-step throughout the learning process. This method allows teachers to track student learning progress throughout the course. For example, if a student’s learning curve shows that they are struggling with a particular topic or skill, teachers can provide more personalized feedback and help.


How we incorporate recursive feedback in online lesson plans at TutorHelp.Club?


We incorporate the latest assessment systems in our online teaching methodologies, including:

  1. Machine-mediated human assessment from multiple perspectives: We seek quick feedback on lessons and students’ performance from students, tutors, peers, parents, invited experts, and more. This helps us to understand learner needs and improve our teaching methods accordingly.
  2. Adaptive learning: Our adaptive quizzes are designed to identify student gaps in learning so that we can provide targeted feedback and support in real-time. This helps students to master concepts more effectively and efficiently.
  3. Gamification: We use various game elements to engage students in their lessons and make learning more fun. This helps students to stay motivated and focused on their studies.
  4. Machine feedback using Natural Language Processing (NLP) on chosen assessments and their responses: Our machine learning algorithms analyze and grade essays and other assessments, providing students with personalized feedback on their performances. This helps them to identify and address weaknesses in their academic skills. NLP techniques help with quality control by identifying and removing student errors from assessments.
  5. Analyze the individual process of students and draw comparisons across cohorts using data mining techniques: Our data mining techniques allow us to analyze the learning process of different students and draw comparisons across cohorts. This helps us to identify trends in academic performance and areas where we can improve our teaching methods for optimal results.
  6. Offer just-in-time feedback to students for learning in formative assessments and of learning in summative assessments: We use formative and summative assessments to offer students timely feedback on their learning progress. This helps them to identify their strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and challenges so that they can focus on areas where they need more improvement.

Recursive feedback is an important part of our online learning methodology as it helps us to monitor and improve our teaching methods constantly according to the needs of our students. If you are looking for an online tutor who can provide you with personalized feedback and support, sign up with TutorHelp.Club today!


Tips to use the Flywheel method to improve your learning performance

The Flywheel model is often discussed amongst app developers. It says that if an app attracts many users, other developers start coming up with similar apps that they can sell to these users. These new apps, in turn, attract more users, and so on.

In online learning settings, if you make a little progress in one aspect of your subject, you feel motivated to focus on other aspects too. The more success you get, the more you feel motivated to study and apply yourself, which in turn leads to even more success.

The Recursive Feedback technique can propel your flywheel in a positive direction. You can do this by:

  • Diagnosing your strengths and weaknesses: To start, take a close look at where you are struggling in your academic performance and identify the skills or concepts that you need to focus on.
  • Ideating and making your lesson plans: Next, come up with ideas for lessons or activities that will help you to improve your skills in these areas. These lesson plans should be well-designed and engaging so that they keep you motivated and focused on your studies. You can also seek advice from experts or other students who have experience in the subject or are successful learners.
  • Executing your lesson plans: Finally, put your lesson plans into action and commit to them. Follow through with your studies and practice regularly so that you can see results.
  • Measuring your progress and making a progress report: Keep track of your progress by taking regular assessments and recording your scores. This will help you to identify your areas of improvement and see how far you have come. You can do this by either creating your own progress report or by consulting with an expert who can help you to analyze your performance.
  • Deciding on strategies and tactics to improve the performance metrics: Based on your progress report, decide on what strategies or tactics you need to implement to improve your academic performance. These could include studying more frequently, seeking help from experts or peers, or taking more practice tests. Finally, put the changes into effect and monitor your progress over time. This will help you to fine-tune your approach and ensure that you are on track to achieving your goals.


If you are looking for an online tutor who can help you to use the Flywheel method to improve your academic performance, sign up with TutorHelp.Club today! We offer personalized feedback and support to help you achieve your academic goals.

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July 4, 2022

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