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Most Common Ways in which University Students Procrastinate

You’ve Been Warned! If you are studying in college or university, these things may lead to serious slips in your academic grades.  At Transtutors, we have seen it all. Some of the most common ways in which students procrastinate are:

  • Wasting Time on Social Media Sites


Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are very enticing for students. It is very common to see many of them spending hours together on these sites, especially when they should be studying or writing research papers instead. Students who spend more time procrastinating on social media sites tend to have lower grades.

  • Watching TV Shows


Many students would rather watch their favorite TV shows than studying or writing research papers. Some start this habit after they get hooked on the show, while others do it intentionally to avoid doing their work. If you are caught up watching your favorite shows or spending too much time on Netflix, you may not get enough sleep. This can affect your performance in school the next day.

  • Reading Novels


Some students would rather read novels or watch movies than studying or writing research papers. This is not limited to fiction books only, but they are always looking for more interesting things to do online that will take their attention away from what is expected of them.

  • Lying on Bed, Doing Absolutely Nothing


This happens when students don’t have enough sleep or energy to get out of bed and start their day. When they feel tired after doing household chores or working indoors all day, many students would rather stay in bed the whole day away instead of doing something productive like studying for an exam.

  • Gambling Online


This is one of the most addicting things to do online that students from college and university, especially those who are still very young, tend to spend a lot of time on. After coming home from school or work, they feel bored and start looking for ways on how they can alleviate their boredom. They come across online gambling and start playing in their own free time. But what they don’t realize is that this habit can affect them not only financially but also academically.

  • Eating Junk Food


When students feel tired after doing household chores, working indoors all day, or studying for an exam, many of them would rather stay indoors and eat junk food rather than going out for a healthier meal. This is another way to avoid doing their work, but this habit can take a toll on their health.

  • Watching Banned or Controversial Sites


Many students would rather watch banned or controversial sites instead of studying or writing their research papers. To many, controversies are very interesting and sometimes more appealing than what they should be doing for their classes.

  • Searching for Your Dream Job


After studying for a few years in college, many students would start looking for their dream jobs instead of taking up another class or continuing with what they are doing now. This is not something to take lightly because if this habit has already started during student days, the period of not working might be extended for a few years.

  • Searching for New Places to See


This habit happens when students feel that they have seen all there is to see in their city or town. And as a result of that, many of them would rather look for new places and travel instead of studying or finishing their research papers on time.

  • Eating or Sleeping in Class


These habits may be very surprising to others, but, indeed, some students would rather eat or sleep than study or finish their research papers. This happens mostly when the subject they are taking has nothing to do with their major or course of choice. 

  • Doing Other People’s Assignments


This may be the easiest way to avoid writing your research paper, but it is also considered as cheating and plagiarism – which may lead to a failing grade, suspension, or worse – expulsion from school if you are caught doing this. If you do need help, find experts who can write original papers for you. Working with these experts can help you grasp concepts better, and come up with original solutions that can fetch you good grades.

  • Chatting with Friends Online


Some students would rather chat with friends online than studying or writing their research papers. This happens mostly when a lot of people have been asking them to play a certain online game or chat with them about a certain thing.

  • Playing Video Games


Many students would rather play video games instead of taking up another class or continuing with what they are doing now. This is not something to take lightly because if this habit has already started during student days, the period of not working might be extended for a few years.

  • Browsing the Internet


This is one of the easiest ways to waste time, but many students tend to do this when they are supposed to be studying. This is done mostly when there are a lot of distractions in their room or the environment where they are studying.

  • Wasting Money on Unnecessary Things


Some students would rather spend their money on unnecessary things instead of studying or researching for their classes. To some, spending money is very comforting and this habit can easily take a toll on their finances. Then, they start searching for a part-time job instead of taking up another class or continuing with what they are doing now. This is not something to take lightly because if this habit has already started during student days, the period of trying to work more to meet their expenses may extend for years.

  • Getting Involved in Extracurricular Activities


This habit happens when students feel that they have seen all there is to see in their city or town. And as a result of that, many of them would rather look for new places and travel instead of studying or finishing their research papers on time.

  • Looking for Millionaires without a College Degree


This is one way to make yourself laugh, but when this habit starts during college days it can be very problematic. This happens mostly when many people around them are looking for millionaires without a college degree, and they would rather do the same instead of studying or finishing their research papers on time.


If you also lack the motivation to study, consult our experts. We have some of the best academicians and professionals to help students, and they can offer you strategies to chuck off your habit of procrastination and start working! 

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October 6, 2021

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